Thursday, 4 September 2014

DAY 3 - Our Passports, recording our journeys & a timeline of the Foundation so far. 04/09/2914

This is a piece that showcases a recording of my journey from home to Uni. I took the task literally and created this map looking piece which showcases images of my home to the bus I take to words that reflect my journey to Uni. 


This is a timeline that was drawn up reflecting what we did in the last 2 days of the foundation course. Looking back at what we have done, although it's only been a short period time, I feel like I have achieved and learnt so much. From the observational drawings to the field trip to the V&A museum, I have gained and improved upon many skills, for example, I haven't drawn for so long thus these on the spot drawings of other peoples faces, random items to sketches has ignited the interest of drawing that I have. 

My Passport

We were given the task to fill in a passport book which showcases our identity. 

How did I get on with the task?
Given a blank book to fill about myself, I felt a bit overwhelmed considering there were a lot of pages to fill. I'm not one to brag about myself  so I was not able to finish the entire book. However, I did enjoy trying to use various styles and mediums to create different pieces to reflect myself. For example, I photocopied 3d items that I brought that were significant to me which is shown in a previous post to this. 

What I was not happy with?
Although I tried to include a range, I'm not happy with my passport 100%. It's too flat and 2d like I believe. Moreover, considering the lack of materials available that day, I was limited to what I was able to use which to me, made a big impact on the outcome of my passport. 

How can I improve for the future?
For any future tasks similar to this, I want to be prepared material wise so I have a variety things available for me to use. Moreover, I want to be able to take a task and be able to interpret it in a way that is not the most common form. This way, my work will be more unique and have a more creative and imaginative feel to it. 

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